What are Penny Thoughts?

In grad school, my class had a Yahoo! email group.  Group emails are useful for sharing pertinent information but occasionally they become forums for internet gangster behavior and people’s unsolicited opinions.  I don’t remember what the debate was, but a classmate wrote a long email with her position and in closing wrote ‘those are just my penny thoughts’.

I’m sorry, what?  I died.

Then I felt kinda bad.  This young lady was not a native English speaker and seemed to have confused the common sayings ‘those are my two cents’ and ‘a penny for your thoughts’.

At first I would use it in emails to be a jerk, but secretly I liked it.  As a statement, it is a phrase that can mean those are just my views/opinions/etc.  As a question, you can solicit the perspective of others.  A two for one.  I liked it even more.

Many postings for this blog, well I guess all at least for now, will be my unsolicited musings on whatever I feel like.  Yay!  Are you excited?

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